It makes C and G softĮxamples: Dance, wage, or stage 3. There are also a handful of 3-letter silent e words where it changes pronunciation, like do vs. Silent E makes the vowel before it longĮxamples: Think CVCe words like cap vs. But that final E has other pronunciation effects on words too.

Silent E is known for “making the vowel say its name,” and that’s one of its most important jobs.
#Teaching short vowel sounds to older students free#
Grab Our Free Silent “E” Printable! Silent E Rules for Pronunciation (Note that there just aren’t very many silent E words with a long E sound.)īike, bile, bite, dice, dime, dine, dire, dive, fife, file, fine, fire, hide, hike, hire, hive, jive, kite, lice, life, like, lime, line, live, mice, mike, mile, mine, mire, nice, nine, pile, pine, rice, ride, ripe, side, site, tide, tile, time, tine, tire, vile, vine, vise, wide, wile, wipe, wire, wise Long O Four Letter Wordsīone, bore, code, coke, cone, cope, core, cove, doze, fore, hole, home, hone, hope, hose, joke, lobe, lode, lone, lore, mode, mole, mope, mote, node, nope, note, poke, pole, pope, pore, robe, rode, role, rope, rose, rove, sole, tore, tote, vote, woke, wore, wove Long U Four Letter WordsĬube, cure, cute, dude, duke, dune, fume, huge, lure, mule, muse, mute, nuke, pure, rude, rule, sure, tube Longer Silent E WordsĪdore, blame, blare, brave, bride, calculate, close, clothe, crane, crime, cupcake, dance, drive, evoke, extreme, fable, fleece, fluke, flute, frame, gauge, goose, grace, grate, grave, grove, handle, hence, loose, moose, orate, plane, scene, skate, slate, spite, state, stove, stripe, tadpole, whine, wrote Three-Letter Silent E WordsĪce, age, ale, ape, ate, bye, cue, die, doe, due, dye, eke, eve, eye, foe, ice, lie, lye, owe, pie, roe, rye, sue, toe, use, woe Long A Four-Letter Wordsīabe, bade, bake, bale, bare, cage, cake, came, cane, cape, care, case, cave, dare, date, daze, face, fade, fate, fake, fame, fare, fate, faze, gale, gate, gave, gaze, hare, hate, have, haze, kale, lace, lake, lame, lane, late, made, make, male, mane, mare, mate, maze, name, nape, pace, page, pale, pane, pare, race, rage, rake, rare, rate, rave, raze, safe, sage, sale, same, sane, save, take, tale, tame, tape, vane, vase, wade, wage, wake, wane, ware, wave Long E Four-Letter WordsĬede, here, meme, mere, mete, we’re, we’ve These free Silent E Words printables include common three-letter words, four-letter words, and longer words with a Silent E. Mastering words with Silent E takes time and practice, so use our free printables with your students as you try some of the activities below.

It can affect pronunciation as well as meaning and even add another syllable to a word. Whether you call it Silent E, Magic E, Sneaky E, or Super E, an E at the end of the word changes things in so many ways. They’re one of the first big challenges for emergent readers.